Pittsburgh Deal Volume Up as Larger Companies Cash Out in Down Market

Sales of small Pittsburgh-area businesses during the first quarter of 2008 spiked dramatically compared with the same three months in 2007, as 15 transactions closed, almost quadrupling the four-deal volume of a year earlier.

BizBuySell.com, which chiefly handles very small business transactions, based its data on the 124 Pittsburgh-area companies listed for sale on its Web site.

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Urge to Merge Means More Work for Accounting, Brokerage Firms.

Pittsburgh Business Times

A brief glimpse of mergers and acquisitions in Pittsburgh shows a lot of activity: Companies that have been involved in deals just since the start of the year include tech firm CM IT Solutions of Wexford, accounting firm Urish Popeck & Co. LLC, and insurance firm the HDH Group Inc.

Nationwide, M&A activity has been steadily rising the past few years. In 2002, there were 7,411 deals nationwide at a total value of $441 billion. By 2006, that number had soared to 11,750 deals worth $1.5 trillion.

Through March 21, there were 2,471 deals worth $356 billion this year already, a rate that would equal or exceed last year’s numbers, according to FactSet Mergerstat LLC, a Los Angeles-based firm that tracks global mergers and acquisitions.

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